I made a pre-New Year’s resolution to slow down and work less. The first step? Prepare slow meals for my three children — and survive the experience.
Parenting techniques that may not work
My youngest daughter has figured out a way to score a free candy bar that requires only a mere bit of negotiation with the vendor, so she thinks.
A clean, well-lighted motel room can be nothing better for three kids to explore.
My youngest daughter is a master at getting off the hook. Or should that be rephrased to say that us parents are total suckers for her antics?
My 7-year-old son has decided that he’s had his fill of the great outdoors, and the only thing that will suffice is TV. What to do as a parent?
My children have many toys. A lot break, some after a few days. It seems that the no-brand ones often outlast those of Hollywood fame. Surprised?