How to Dress Cool

“Hey, we’re kind of edgy, aren’t we?”

My wife and I took our 12-year-old son to the mall to let him choose clothes for himself, to find his own look, his style.

We tried a department store, but my wife and I snubbed everything. Ditto at a bunch of other shops in the mall. We were quickly beginning to worry about what to buy for our son – or what he would choose for himself because that, of course, was our aim. It was to be his choice, not ours. [continue reading…]

“Homer? Who you calling Homer?”

My wife and I took our son skateboarding on a Sunday afternoon, and he had a go while we chatted.

Then our 12-year-old son asked if I wanted to try. [continue reading…]

“Yeah, Dad, I really don’t get it.”

My youngest daughter was whining about wanting help with her homework, and I said, “In a minute.”

I was cooking.

The nine-year-old kept asking for help from the kitchen table, and after a while I said, “You sound like a broken record.” [continue reading…]